Dust Everywhere.

August 3, 2008 at 8:50 pm 1 comment

From here we went to the Serengeti, which is freakish terrain – just an endless plain going for miles and miles. Within it are large rock mounds, which are the tops of mountains pushing through. There are sparse trees around and sometimes lines of greenery where the rivers flow. It was beautiful. We did a game drive to the camp spotting a lion feasting on a buffalo, eagles, lots of thompson’s gazelle, hyena’s, hippos and a few other animals.

Arriving at camp, it was very basic but swamped with every other tourist in a 4×4 as well. With 2 basic toilets, it became a bit messy later on but suited our needs. We again ate from a table (novelty) and had a few drinks around the camp, building up the terror of camping in the wild for a few of us. The camp was nowhere as novel as Chobe was, where we were isolated from everyone and had that better feeling of wild to it. This one was really just to serve a purpose – sleep and security.

In the morning we set out early to be greeted by a cheetah, then many prides of lioness’s stalking throughout the day, also seeing elephants, more antelope, eagles, baboons and a few other things. We returned to some lions to see them feasting having just missed the kill. With the park so massive, it did become a bit much in places with 10 different vehicles watching the same lions stalking. So touristy, but then it is the Serengeti.

However, spending a good few days standing in the back of a 4×4, with dust blowing around, a beating sun, animals, clicking of camera’s, dirty clothes, the constant taste of dust and many good laughs along the way is a brilliant way to spend you time. Although the game viewing wasn’t exceptional, the experience was.

We return to and left the Snake Camp the next day to cross the border into Kenya and make the final drive up to Nairobi after a quiet night of drinks at a quiet campsite. At this point the trip was ending too quickly, even though it had been 6 weeks, we didn’t want it to be over so soon….

Entry filed under: Blogroll, Daily Life, Travel.

Air Raid!

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  • 1. lizziekaufman74709  |  April 8, 2016 at 10:56 am

    […] Well as you may or may not know already, I have moved into a new school (related in the post “First Day in my New School“) and was already fast friends with a couple of my fellow classmates whom I detect potential in joining with me in playing “naughty” games, two of them being F.Y. and J.T. […] Come on http://tropaadet.dk/lizziekaufman74709081845

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August 2008